Rivaroxaban of CAS No 438056-69-0 is recognized in the chemical industry with its scientific name 4-(4-Amino Phenyl)Morpholin-3-One. With molecular formula C19H18ClN3O5S and molecular weight 435.882 g/mol, Xarelto (Rivaroxaban) drug is widely used in several medical formulations as an oral anticoagulant. This is known to be the first available orally active direct factor Xa inhibitor that gets well absorbed from the gut. The maximum inhibition of factor Xa occurs after four hours of a dose and lasts approximately for 8–12 hours.


Specifications :

Intermediate CAS No’s API/End Use Status
R)-4-chloro-N-(2-hydroxy-3-(4-(3-oxomorpholino)phenylamino)propyl)cyclopenta-1,3- dienecarboxamide 721401-53-2 Rivaroxaban Under development